From sports to streetwear, sneaker brands have become a fashion and cultural phenomenon, appearing in boardrooms and on the runway. More than just a pair of shoes, sneakers make a statement in any occasion. But while they’re easy to style, they’re not always easy to clean.
At Door to Door Cleaners, we apply the time-honed techniques and innovative cleansers we use on delicate couture to keep sneakers in like-new condition. Sneakers can be tough to clean at home because there are so many different materials – leather, rubber, nubuck, nylon, cotton, etc. – that all appear in the same shoe. Our sneaker cleaning package includes blemish removal, conditioning, and deodorizing inside and out. It’s a comprehensive detail that preserves the appearance and longevity of all kinds of sneakers, while protecting the resale value, too.
For the extra difficult cases, we offer a complete restoration service as well. We can repair worn stitching and resurface damaged uppers. Door to Door technicians are deeply familiar with sneaker materials and construction, so you can be confident you’ll get back sneakers that appear exactly as they did originally.

Sneakers are meant to be worn, but that doesn’t mean you need to fear stains or damage. Don’t leave your kicked stashed in a closet or on a shelf. Whatever hazards your shoes encounter out and about, Door to Door Cleaners can turn back the hands of time and rejuvenate your favorite sneakers.